The Park

The Park



On the property, a private garden that ties into the park with terraces, gardens, a pool, and a pavilion for special cultural and family events. But there is more room for activities just outside the gates.

Eighty Seven Park Residences are especially unique of being adjacent and having direct access to North Beach Oceanside Park to the south. You will see 35-acres of oceanside city park. Recently revitalized, you can enjoy winding walks under a cool canopy of trees and flora. Spend a morning jogging down the winding paths, picnicking under a shady spot, or taking your dog on a long walk.



To further introduce the Botanical theme as a sophisticated living experience, a year-round exhibition dignifies the interior lobby spaces. Curated regularly, the exhibition will be everchanging to include everything from the finest collection of orchids, to rare items in the botanic field such as Bonsais and Petit Cactus. A gallery showcasing selected imagery capturing the best blossoming years for the orchids and garden planting bed per season will give further life and family comfort to the lobby areas.

a view into a lobby at 87 park with lush green tropical trees and seating surrounded by large windows